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Life Around SMU - 6 What Kind of procrastinator are U ?

Procrastination! It is such a natural part of student life. Sometimes, procrastinating may just be a harmless sign that something is not as important as something else, it can be a lazy “easy way out” of difficult tasks, and a tricky habit to break, causing serious delays.

Take a quick look at the amusing post below, and see if you could see yourself in any of the categories 

 So, now that you know what kind of Procrastinator you are, you know what signs and symptoms to look for! 
When it becomes a bad habit, try to overcome it by changing your strategy. Please feel free to share some of your own tips in comments sections so that all of us get benefited 😊


  1. I'm definitely the Napper. But hey, I only plan on napping for 30 mnts. Execution fails me.

  2. Napper + Cleaner + Snacker + List Maker .... basically I'll do everything else not the homework!

  3. The Napper, The Researcher and the Watcher

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Nice contents! Good job!

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  6. I think we have a few of all the above in our class. Haha!


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